terça-feira, 11 de junho de 2013

A Bit of history

   A Bit of history

 Sierra Leone is a country located in Africa, bathed by the Atlantic Ocean, bordered to the north and east by Guinea, Liberia to the southeast. Sierra Leone has mountains in the north and east; them are areas of diamond mining, the principal economic activity of the country ..

The country was colonized by ...

Isolated by the ocean, the region where is located the Sierra Leone remained away from the influence of the great empires that were established in Niger high around the year 1000. The people who inhabited it were then divided into small independent states. By the fifteenth century, migrations of ethnic Sudanese poured into islands and woodlands indigenous peoples, including the bulons, set in the region since time immemorial.
The Portuguese Pedro de Sintra found the back of the country, which was part of the kingdom of Sapes in 1460. The country's name was given by Portuguese explorer who called Sierra Leone a lot and all the coast he discovered. The name derives from the similarity with the saw had a lioness to be sighted in the distance the sea. In addition, the thunder in the rainy season resembled the roar of the animal.

The European presence in the territory date of 1462, when the Portuguese explored the coast and founded the first trading posts. Still persist buildings built by the Portuguese. In the sixteenth century, warriors source mandé (Mandingo), from the interior, invaded the region and provided slaves to European slave traders. In a short time the area became the object of fierce trade dispute between the slavers Portuguese, French, English, Dutch, Danes and Prussians.

   It Was explored by ..

português Pedro de Sintra descobriu as costas do país, que fazia parte do reino dos Sapes, em 1460

It was Inhabited by

   Before the arrival of Pedro de Sintra the Republic of Sierra Leone was inhabited by Temnes ethnic group that today represents approximately one third of Leon. Mostly composed of followers of Islam, Temnes divide one third of the population with Mendes, composed mostly of animists.

The republic was founded in

  Along with the flag was designed by the College Coat of Arms and granted in 1960.


Some interesting spots to go sightseeing are..


Among the attractions of Freetown highlights the Cotton Tree, with its more than 500 years of existence.


  Kabala is the largest city in the north of the country: quiet, slow, friendly and hospitable. The nearby hills, full of streams and waterfalls, providing a landmark for idyllic walks.

Mount Bintumani

Mount Bintumani is in the Loma Mountains Forest Reserve, with its 1950 meters is the highest peak in West Africa. The landscape is wild and it is advisable to see chimpanzees.

Outamba Kilimi 

 Situated north-west of Sierra Leone, this park inaccessible.


Form of Government

 The form government is ...

Form of government: presidential republic.
Divisions: 4 regions divided into 12 districts.
Main parties: the Sierra Leone People (SLPP), People's United National (UNPP), Democratic People's (PDP).
Legislative: unicameral - Parliament, with 80 members elected by direct vote for a term of five years.
Constitution into force: 1991.

Habits and Customs

Some peculiar habits or customs are ...

It is customary for each family to cultivate their own products (including themselves build houses). The tourist will find few places to eat, but every city has at least some establishments that allow savor the best cuisine in the country.
Rice is an essential product in power in this country and one of the dishes is rice with PLASA dish that is made with cassava or potatoes, and is cooked in palm oil with fish or veal.

Another custom that captures the attention of many of those who visit this country is the breakfast, called Benchi. This dish combines peas in a fish stew made ​​with palm oil.


 Unlike other African countries, religious and ethnic conflicts in Sierra Leone are very rare, due to the generally amicable relationship among religions in Sierra Leonean society, which contributed to the freedom religiosa.19 The country's constitution guarantees freedom of faith in democratic in particular, the government defends the arrangement, and reacts strongly to the religious nature of abuses discriminatórios.19
In Sierra Leone there is a certain religion there is a mixture of Islam, traditional indigenous religions and Christianity.


segunda-feira, 10 de junho de 2013

Commemorative Dates

 Some festivals that represent the country are ...

                           Independence Day  

                        Independence of the country it is celebrated with a big party in Sierra Leone                                                         

                        International Film Festival


                                     New Year

domingo, 9 de junho de 2013

Typical dishes of Sierra Leone

 The most typical dishes are .. 

                              Cassava Bread

tortila hard - as cassava bread with a sauce of oily fish. The bread dry rubber does not offer much in charge of their own parents, but the sauce and a spicy flavor explosion, fish, especially when you eat a bag of dried fish eggs. Together, they are a delicious treat.

                       Fried Fish

 Fried fish refers to any fish or shellfish that has been prepared fried. Most times, the fish is covered in batter, or flour before being fried and this is a typical dish from Sierra Leone.

                          Okra Soup

  Okra soup is one of the most famous dishes of africa, including Sierra Leone.


 The most popular Sports are .. 


Sierra Leone first match was at home on 10 August 1949 against another British colony, Nigeria, and was lost 2–0.


The Sierra Leone Basketball team represents Sierra Leone in masculinasas internacionas basketball competitions and is controlled by the Sierra Leone Basketball Federation.



This game was introduced to Sierra Leone by the forces of the British Royal Artillery in Freetown in 1898.

                            SERRA LEOA